20 Oct 2021 --- Givaudan has launched DigiPulse to decode consumers’ online spontaneous comments about fine fragrances. The artificial intelligence (AI)-powered technology is marketed as the first olfactive social listening tool. “When we conceived DigiPulse we were thinking of a super powerful eye able to read, collect and decode all consumers’ online spontaneous comments about fine fragrances they have tried, experimented or bought,” Arnaud Guggenbuhl, head of global marketing, insights and image, Fine Fragrance at Givaudan, tells PersonalCareInsights.“Not only what they prefer but also sensations the fragrance give to them, how they describe it, their feelings and their technical evaluation of it, but also what they don't like. For us what was the most important part was to be able to collect their perceptions with their own unbiased spontaneous language that is more true to their deep emotions.”